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4th International Conference on Biochemistry & Metabolomics

Los Angeles, USA

Hailong An

Hailong An

Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China


Professor Hailong An received his Ph.D. degree in Biophysics in Hebei University of Technology in 2005. After that, he was appointed to the faculty in Institute of Biophysics, Hebei University of Technology. From 2006 to 2008, he worked in Hebei Medical University under supervision by Prof. Hailin Zhang as a postdoc. Awarded by China Scholarship Council, he spent 20 months in Prof. Diomedes E. Logothetis’ Lab as a visiting scholar.

Professor Hailong An focuses on understanding the structure-function relationship of ion channels, the relationship between ion channels and major diseases and drug screening targeting at ion channels. More than 50 papers have been published in academic journals such as Scientific Reports, Journal of Biological Chemistry, British Journal of Pharmacology etc., and more than 40 papers were included in the SCI (total impact factor: 126.52), the paper was cited more than 200 times.



Abstract : Identification of the calcium-dependent gating and targeted-drug discovery of CaCCs