Food and Nutritional Biochemistry

The Food Biochemistry gathering plans to enhance understanding of detailed composition of foods, especially food components that have beneficial effects on human health. It include utilization of modern chemical and biochemical analytical methods of food components and their reactions, model systems to study their reactions and efficient statistical tools for data analysis to get the maximum informative value.

Nutritional biochemistry is the study of nutrition as a science. It deals with various studies in nutrients, food constituents and their function regarding humans and other mammals, nutritional biochemistry specifically focuses on nutrient chemical components, and how they function biochemically, physiologically, metabolically, as well as their impact on disease. Nutritional Biochemical research is mostly involved upon defining dietary and nutritional needs in sick and healthy individuals and the reduction of side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.


  • Principles of package development
  • Shelf-life of packaged food products
  • Novel methods using in packaging development
  • Novel methods using in packaging development
  • Novel methods using in packaging development
  • Novel methods using in packaging development
  • Development in dairy products
  • Advance development in nutritional products

Related Conference of Food and Nutritional Biochemistry

July 14-15, 2025

15th World Glycobiology Congress

Berlin, Germany
July 17-18, 2025

16th International Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy

Amsterdam, Netherlands
September 08-09, 2025

23rd International Conference on Structural Biology

Frankfurt, Germany

Food and Nutritional Biochemistry Conference Speakers