4th International Conference on Biochemistry & Metabolomics
Los Angeles, USA

Chibuzo Carole Nweze
Nasarawa State University, Nigeria
Chibuzo Carole Nweze has her expertise in nutritional and Food Biochemistry. She has passion for indigenous functional foods and significant of the foods phytochemicals especially, their antioxidants related properties in scavenging free redicals in the cells. Her interest to look at these foods may improve the health of the middle class in the country, as most of them cannot afford to purchase most nutritionally important antioxidants that are costly for the low-income earners. Chibuzo is a senior lecturer in Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nigeria where she has been in academics for ten years. She has a PhD in Biochemistry from University of Jos, Nigeria, MSc from University of Lagos, Nigeria and Bachelor degree from Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria.